Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Month of celebration and other tomfoolery

Sorry for the slight gap in posts. I would like to try and post an entry every week or so, but sometimes time never lets it happen.

FEBRUARY is always a sight to see at the Nayak house.
the 9th is my moms bday
the 19th is my dads bday
and the 25th is their anniversary

The thing is that our family really is not conventional when it comes to giving gifts to eachother or even saying "I love you" because we feel that we dont need to prove to anyone out there about how much we care for eachother. For us, it goes without saying. We dont need to 'shower eachother with affection' when we all know that it's there. Yes we will stay up till midnight and sing happy birthday, do a song and dance and all that fun stuff, but that's pretty much it. No breaking the bank cept a small token or two.

However with that said, this year was my dad's big 5-0 =]

My mom and I wanted to do something special for him, so we threw him a surprise party! hahah and luckily it went off without a hitch. There were between 50-70 people at any given point and was just an amazing night overall, especially considering I had not seen so familiar faces for such a long time. It got to the point where many people came and asked me when I started to grow facial hair haha. But super good food and even better people easily made the night VERY memorable. The cake itself was unbelievable because it was a three-layer ice cream cake that was half cookies&cream and half strawberry cheesecake. And believe it or not, but they even 'roasted' my dad for some time haha. I had no idea how truly and genuinely funny some of these 'uncles and aunties' were lol. Lucky for me, I have some video (that I also showed Faisal) so the memories will last for a lifetime.

On the 13th I also managed to go to Pinal & Rachel's Valentines/House warming/Nishant's bday party !
Again at the risk of sounding repetitive, it was A BLAST! you name it_we did it.

Yes, even a pushup contest in the middle of the dance floor lol

There is also a badminton tournament going on right now at Benedictine and my partner Parth and I are sitting at 5-2 which is decent. There's a few teams that I know we have absolutely no shot at defeating but as long as the bottom line shows that we've all had fun, that's all that matters right? Its not exactly life or death and at the end of the day, its just a game :)

My hunt for an internship has taken a bit of a stall lately, as I have not really had much time to be actively pursuing leads into various companies. I still think i need to pad my gpa up anyway. But I know I can IF I drop my second major of Accounting and just take some b.s. classes like Astronomy or Weather Patters or something you know? Its just that I came to BU to get a degree in Finance. I pretty much have that all sewn up for all intents and purposes, but everyone needs to take some 'extra' classes to fill up the 120 credit hour requirement, and instead of taking some blowoffs I decided to try and do the double major. Right now it is proving to be quite the challenge. So single major/higher gpa or double major/lower gpa? You win some, you lose some.

As a means of just clearing my mind and just taking a break from it all, I've been fiddling around with the 'Garage Band' application on the mac and laying down some vocal tracks. Some English, some Hindi, but still nowhere near American Idol quality yet hah. I have not drawn much either although I did buy some new tools to help me with getting the hair in a realistic manner. Its all about the white reflections that shimmer off it. Dunno what I'm talkin' bout? hah me neither . . .

Im also not too much of a 'videogamer' but I am going to get back on the guitar hero bandwagon. Neil and I NEED to play his Beatles Rockband. Quite tragic that we havent yet :/
ho hum
we were decent-ish back in the day. Lets see if we can bring some of the old magic back :P
BioShock 2 also seems to be a lot of fun especially now that you can play as the 'Big Brother'
Anyone love MAG ? Havent heard too many fabulous things about it yet though.

But as far as REAL guitar goes...As I said I was going to start playing it again but honestly Im just getting too lazy. UNFORTUNATE I KNOW! these are precious times which we will never get back but its so hard to get motivated. gRRRRR

I think I'm going to get an Air Hockey table. Kriti always had one at her place and me and Ashok used to always have legendary struggles on it but I was always a 'pool' guy. But playing it on Abdullah's phone made me wanna get the actual thing now. Compulsive I KNOW but games are my anti-drug =]

I also met R. Madhavan, the man who played "Farhan" in the movie 3 Idiots =]

What a truly amazing and inspirational guy. He's one of those people that would be good at anything he does. He just has that "It" quality which the majority of us lack. From being one of the best and natural 'talkers' on the campus, which led to him opening up a tuition class where he taught hundreds of individuals in the art of English and Public Speaking (which led him to being wealthy by the age of 22), to joining the Army, to coming to Canada and learning how to Rodeo, to dating a Canadian model, to asking around in India about how his headshots would look to model, to immediately getting a role on a small Tamil tv series, to eventually getting to the big time after years of hardwork. Talking + Street Smarts + Dedication will get you anywhere in life.

The plan right now in March is to volunteer at the DuPage Shelter/Food Pantry for atleast 10 hours, have my friend Amar (and whomever else) from BU come over to my place and chill for a day or two and also go to Unofficial round 2 with Neil and the rest of the clique. I'll take life from there =)

oH yeah I also need to try and work on my story! Only Justin, Pinal, and Faisal have seen it so far. I really need to get my bum going on that one.
I have a collection of short stories as well. Some for kids, some more dark.
Maybe I will eventually turn my short stories and longer ones into screenplays for tv shows and movies lol. i got big DREAMS hahah =D


  1. I'm heading down for unofficial as well.

  2. My mom's birthday is on the 19th, interesting haha. And I still think it's pretty awesome that you got to meet R. Madhavan!

    keep posting as well ;)
