Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I couldve had a baby by now

nine months since my last blog entry?

idk how this happened.

maybe its cuz of facebook. yeah thats prly it. cellphones dont help matters either. Im not Perez Hilton. Im not trying to reach out to millions of people on a nightly basis. just a certain few.

ok enough hullabaloo for now . . .

i guess i should prly cover the last few months for posterity's sake if nothing else.

rest of April - we went to a big fat indian wedding.

May - After I took my finals, the family and I went to Italy (Rome, Venice, Milan, Pisa), Germany (Munich), and India (the usual spots). Spent my birthday with mom and dad and two mugs of beer in Venice. Wasn't exactly Bavaria, but it'll have to do.

June - Came back home and and hopped on that internship. I think in one of my entries below I mentioned Hoffman Estates/Schaumburg? Yeah no. There was a nice one in Naperville that tickled my fancy and with very loose hours. Did I 'learn' as much as I thought I wouldve? nah. But its something to write down on the resume yadadamean?
oh and a run to the stripclub with Neil, Vik, and Akhil, and a roadtrip to Michigan with Aakash and Abdullah to see Faisal, were thrown somewhere in there

July - More or less the same. Except I got to spend a lot more time with Faisal, Parag, and that whole crew of bandits. Made it to the Naperville Ribfest just as my dad and I try to do every year. This year, we took Parag and his brother and was fun as helll cuz not only did I get to chow on some Rasta Joe's which is by and far my favorite vendor, we got completely soaked, played some carnival games haha, and watched the fireworks on the 4th. In the middle of the month, my mom's oldest brother passed away so that was a hit but with the strength and support of everyone, we managed to deal with it, cope with the tragedy, and though we are still a bit reeling, we have been pulling through

August - I started the physical therapy on my knees and feet. Dad and I also drove to Cincinnati to watch the Tennis Masters event there. Got Andy Roddick, Rafael Nadal, and Roger Federer's autographs. I'll elaborate on it a bit more later :]

The summer of 2010 overall was by and far the beST in my life. I complied a list of things that made it memorable, which you can see in a note on facebook

September - school started in fullswing and the buddies all left one by one to school. The usual September school blues hit but they were mixed in with some hardcorexxxx drama with Brandon. You all know the story. In the meantime, I started going to The Foundry with a few people from highschool every Tuesday and Thursday and managed to play tennis with Amar, Ankit, and Preyanshu.

October - Along with Akhil, I visited Neil and Vik's condo on the LakeShore. Made some memories. It was all sort of in highspeed though so cant remember every single thing. We should have taken more pix to jog it. Halloween this year was whatever, though my parents and I managed to go to the last remaining "fests" and took a peek around DT nappy town and their 'All Hallows Eve' stuff. The holiday wasn't a total loss though as I did end up carving my first jack-o-lantern lmao. The other 'big thing' of the month was BU's Garba night, which was a bit gay cuz im not a Gujju. Its hard to keep up with these machines who have been doing it all their lives haha but it was still fun cuz of the people that were there. Sudhamayee showed up which was simply amazing and though there was random drama that night with some other people, it was still very memorable, especially at the end when i started getting the hang of the hit-and-run dance.

November - School started getting HARD. It was my last "real semseter" so in retrospect I shouldve gone full-throttle. Didn't Happen. Thanksgiving Break was a much needed relaxer though after weeks of highly unnecessary projects in every class that ranged from filing income taxes for families, pitching a binder full of ideas and penetrating strategies for marketing, to stock market analysis. Diwali Night was a major fail too. You had to have been there. The highlight of the month was the AMKA 25th anniversary and the subsequent fashion show that we had to partake in hahaha. To the side here, is a shot of the "youth boys" with our choreographer

December - Nishant's farewell party was mos def a highlight because I got to bring Jon Tobin. The two of us were friends in highschool and later were in the same chem class as Nishant at COD. Nishant meanwhile invited a bunch of kids who Tobin and I hadnt seen in years like Hardik and Priyanka. 'twas a good reunion. After that was Finals Week so everyone was pushing the pedal to the metal. I did okay. Only complaint was Anthropology. wtf.
After break 'officially' started, I got back to the usual hanging out with Neil, Akhil, Faisal, Binni, and the rest of the usual suspects soon followed. The family also had a nice Christmas party that was quite dandy.

January - NYE was eventful with all of us renting out a suite on Michigan Ave. The rest of the month has been highly irritating to say the least though. From oral surgery, to my computer battery needing to get replaced, to the art mural on my wall not turning out exactly what I had in mind due to fucking oil pastels and their insistence on acting like crayon on dry-wall, its been a frustrating 2011. Most people agree in saying 2010 from the get-go was very special (especially for the ones that were in the infamous 1/1/10 van ride from hell). January for me has always been a downer month, idk if its cuz of the weather (freezing cold with no sunlight and NO SNOW is just plain annoying) or cuz everyone leaves to go back to their old lives or what, but hey when life gives you lemons....throw them back and ask for cookies :]

We still havent completed our Secret Santa since its been hard to get everyone at the same place at the same time. Although this means that on the flip side, I did get to see people I hadn't seen in a longass time like Nandhini, Vikash, Rohit, Rohan, Shivani, to name a few. Parag was considerate enough to give me his gift however. He remembered earlier over break when I briefly mentioned in passing that dad and I were going to take up golf. So Parag went and got me 2 boxes full of high quality balls, hundreds of tees, and even a glove to boot. what a guy <3 c'mon Parag lend me some 'sugggaaa